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Four Features that Maximize Engagement for Web Stories

Four Features that Maximize Engagement for Web Stories

If you’re familiar with Storyly, it’s likely that you’re also familiar with all the ways that Stories can help brands achieve their engagement and revenue goals. But did you know that we also offer Story capabilities for websites? The same benefits of adding a Story layer to apps are now accessible for websites as well, and we’re constantly adding new features to make them even more fun and effective. Let’s take a look at some of the recent upgrades for Web Stories!

Feature Content from TikTok, Pinterest, Spotify, and more with Embed Code

Sharing content across platforms just got easier with embed code capabilities for Web Stories. Embed code allows brands to include rich media from nearly any source directly in their Web Stories, simply by copying and pasting the embed code directly into Stories through the Storyly Dashboard. Users can watch videos, listen to music, or enjoy podcasts directly within the Story, making engagement easier and more tempting than ever. With the embed code capability, brands can increase the reach of their content, and ensure that their best campaigns aren’t regulated to single-channel availability. 

Another advantage of this feature is that it can be used to capture valuable first-party data with embedded Google Forms, or surveys created on sites like SurveyMonkey. Stories are already one of the best ways to gather audience opinions, and embed code functionality makes it even easier for users to tap through and engage.

Cut Through the Noise with Personalized Stories

Personalization is an excellent strategy for building relationships with your audience and increasing brand loyalty. Storyly enables brands to address users by name, feature localized offers or communications, and offer personalized recommendations. When paired with a CRM or recommendation engine, Storyly Web Stories can showcase the most relevant content for each individual user on your website. 

Imagine being able to offer each web visitor a curated list of featured products, relevant promotions, or recommended content as soon as they visit your website. Personalized Stories can create exactly this experience, and it’s easier than ever to produce at scale with Storyly.

Change it Up with Custom Group Cover Styling

While the standard circle entry point is familiar and easily recognizable, it doesn’t always fit a brand’s aesthetic or meet their design needs. With custom cover group styling, brands can choose a size and shape that fits their style, maximizes available space, and adds visual interest to their user interface. The more optimized the entry point, the easier it becomes for users to navigate to and engage with Story content! 

In addition to custom shapes for entry points, Storyly Story groups display covers dynamically, meaning that the latest unseen Story will always be featured in the entry point image. When users tap or click through to see Story content the entry point “marks their place” so that the next time they visit the website or use the app, they’ll see a fresh cover of the latest unseen Story. 

This combination of familiar entry points, and dynamically refreshed content is perfect for keeping audience interest high, and frustration low. 

Grab User Attention with Personalized Story Covers

As mentioned above, creating an eye-catching Story cover can help boost engagement, and personalization helps to develop brand loyalty; now, brands can combine these strategies for a truly tailored consumer experience! With personalized covers for Web Stories, visitors can be greeted by name in entry points for Stories, driving interest, and skyrocketing engagement rates. 

Personalized Story covers are ideal for cart reminders, specialized offers, or engagement summaries, and are a key component of offering a high-quality consumer experience that feels both curated and authentic.

Want to learn more about what’s possible with Web Stories? Book a call today!


Dilayda Soylu

Product Marketing Manager at Storyly, covering launches, managing products and always excited about new tech solutions. Knows/ writes about customer insights and new features. A hopeless dreamer, loves zen thinking and being in nature at the first opportunity.

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