
12 Steps to Build a Successful First-Party Data Strategy

Discover how to leverage first-party data to boost customer engagement and privacy with our 12-step guide. Build a strong data strategy for success.

9 Proven Ways to Collect First-Party Data

Explore the shift from third-party to first-party data collection, enhancing privacy and personalization in digital marketing strategies.

First-Party Data vs Third-Party Data: Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape

Explore the differences between first-party and third-party data in digital marketing. Learn their advantages, limitations, and impact on your business strategy.

Achieving Feature Adoption with Personalization: Wrapped Stories

Explore how Storyly's Wrapped feature offers a personalized, interactive review of your year, inspired by Spotify's success. Dive into the power of personalization.

Top 11 Winning Personalization Strategies to Try in 2024

Personalization is still an important tool to use to connect with audiences. Learn personalization strategies that can revitalize your marketing campaigns.

4 Misconceptions You Have About Personalization

Misconceptions about personalization can hinder brands' connections with consumers. Learn about them and the best strategies for personalization.

Zero-Party Data vs First-Party Data: A Comprehensive Guide

Get a better understanding of zero-party vs. first-party data and how to collect them. Check out this guide by Storyly to decide on the right data to collect.

How to Create Individualized Experiences With On-Site Personalization

Personalization is a necessity in today's online environment, each user has varying wants and needs. Discover how to deliver individualized experiences!

Personalization vs. Customization: What's the difference?

Discover the difference between personalization and customization, their impact on customer experience, and their implementation challenges.

Explicit vs Implicit Data: What Is the Difference?

To effectively manage data, it's important to understand the different types of data you can collect and analyze. Learn what explicit data and implicit data are including their differences and the advantages they offer for businesses.

A Complete Guide to Online Shopping Personalization

Personalization will benefit both the user and online shopping brands. Learn the benefits of using personalization for online shopping and how you can take full advantage of it for your brand.

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January 31, 2024

12 Steps to Build a Successful First-Party Data Strategy

Discover how to leverage first-party data to boost customer engagement and privacy with our 12-step guide. Build a strong data strategy for success.
January 23, 2024

9 Proven Ways to Collect First-Party Data

In the evolving digital landscape, the shift from third-party to first-party data collection has become crucial for businesses aiming to personalize marketing strategies while adhering to privacy standards. First-party data, collected directly from interactions with customers through website visits, social media engagements, and transactions, offers a reliable and valuable resource for creating personalized customer experiences. This shift, necessitated by privacy regulations and changing industry practices, underscores the importance of leveraging tools like website analytics, online surveys, and loyalty programs to gather actionable insights. Implementing these strategies enables businesses to enhance customer engagement, optimize marketing efforts, and drive growth, marking a significant pivot towards more ethical and effective data use in the digital age.
September 6, 2023

First-Party Data vs Third-Party Data: Navigating the Digital Marketing Landscape

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, data has emerged as a critical driving force for decision-making and strategy development. As we've explored in this blog post, not all data is created equal. Both first-party and third-party data play crucial roles, offering unique advantages and presenting specific challenges.First-party data, derived directly from your customers, is highly accurate, relevant, and compliant with privacy regulations. It provides invaluable insights into your customers' behaviors and preferences, enabling you to personalize experiences and build stronger relationships. However, it is limited by the scope and scale of your customer base, which can restrict the breadth of your insights.On the other hand, third-party data offers a broader view of the market, extending beyond the limits of your existing customer base. It can help fill in gaps in your knowledge, enhance your first-party data, and provide insights into new potential markets. But it comes with its own challenges, including potential quality and accuracy issues, privacy concerns, and costs.Understanding the differences, benefits, and limitations of first-party and third-party data is essential for any business looking to thrive in today's data-driven world. By integrating these insights into your data strategy, you can make more informed decisions, improve your marketing effectiveness, and ultimately drive business growth.Remember, the goal is not to choose between first-party and third-party data, but rather to understand how to use each type of data to its fullest potential, in a way that respects user privacy and complies with all relevant regulations. As we continue to navigate this evolving landscape, the key will be to stay informed, be adaptable, and always keep the needs and preferences of your customers at the heart of your data strategy.
April 26, 2023

4 Misconceptions You Have About Personalization

With the ongoing economic uncertainty, consumer brands must focus on sustainable growth and customer retention. The number one way to drive this is through personalization. However, there are certain misconceptions about personalization that can hinder your ability to build deeper connections with your consumers and grow your business. In this article, we’ll demystify the most common personalization assumptions and cover strategies to personalize the ‘right’ way.

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